Covid-19 important guidelines
•Myblissfulretreat has prepared a Covid-19 online consent form which will be issued to clients prior to their booking and will be provided to the therapist in advance of the treatment day. The consent form covers reasons for refusal of treatment (symptoms of client or other members of household.
•Myblissfulretreat is communicating with holiday partners and clients to request that proper risk assessments are taking place at each property prior to the therapist/s arrival.
•Myblissfulretreat has a revised Their cancellation policy which covers only covid-19 cancellations.
•Myblissfulretreat is arranging extra time between each treatment to allow for treatment room/equipment/surface areas to be cleaned and room to be aired. As a result, therapist break times will be reduced.
•Myblissfulretreat has adjusted treatment times. Some treatments are no longer being offered or have been adapted to reduce face to face proximity with the client during the treatment.
•Myblissfulretreat has requested two separate rooms if two therapists are provided. For smaller venues with less rooms, there will need to be enough room for therapists to set up at least 2m from each other. Massage beds are typically 2m x 1m.
•Myblissfulretreat has incorporated new Covid-19 health and safety protocols. The therapist will need to have read these prior to confirming a booking.
•48 hrs before the booking the therapist is required to respond to the myblissfulretreat email or text and answer questions pertinent to Covid-19 and confirm that they are completely free of any Covid-19 symptoms. To inform myblissfulretreat immediately if they are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms or have been asked to quarantine and the therapist is unable to fulfil the booking.
•The therapist will be required to wear a visor at all bookings. Visors must fit and be worn properly. It should cover the forehead, extend below the chin, and wrap around the side of the face. Face coverings by themselves are not an alternative to wearing a visor but may be worn if in conjunction with a visor and should the therapist wish.
•The therapist to notify if they contract Covid-19 within two weeks of having undertaken an appointment so myblissfulretreat can let the client know.
•The therapist will not be required to take towels. These will be supplied by the client.
•Clinically extremely vulnerable therapists have been strongly advised not to work outside the home during the pandemic peak and only return to work when community infection rates are low.
•Clinically vulnerable therapists, who are at higher risk of severe illness (for example, people with some pre-existing conditions), have been asked to take extra care in observing social distancing.
•To take their own temperature prior to the start of each working day and document this in a daily record
•Uniforms to be changed after each booking, on a daily basis and washed immediately after use (on highest temperature possible – minimum 60`).
•A change of footwear for the booking or the use of disposable shoe coverings.
•To go completely jewellery-free (where possible) to minimise risk, to keep hair tied back and that the therapist maintain short nails, with no acrylics.
•PPE such as gloves, aprons and face coverings, can be used at bookings if the therapist wishes.
•To bring their own bottle of drinking water
•To use the NHS Contact Tracer app when available
Tools and Supplies
•To use disposable single use tools and supplies wherever possible and to take a bag for used tools so that they can be disposed of safely.
•Ensure all lotions, creams, waxes and scrubs have always been in a closed container, if not these must be discarded and replaced.
•Any non-disposable tools must always be thoroughly cleaned, then sterilised after each client.
•To wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect tools and equipment and that the therapist is careful when using sprays not to ingest any product.
•Water should not be dispensed unless in an emergency situation. Clients to supply their own
•To keep the treatment room well ventilated (where possible naturally) open windows, use extractor fan, and not use air-conditioning units.
•To sterilise commonly touched surfaces such as door handles, taps, toilet facilities (fresh hand towels or disposable towels), soap dispenser.
•To open all entrance/exit doors themselves to minimise client contamination
•Only one client is allowed in the room with the therapist at one time, unless a minor, or working with another therapist and where possible one room designated for all treatments and per therapist.
The Booking
•Frequent handwashing (following NHS Guidelines) should take place before, during treatment (when required) and after each client, before putting on and after removing PPE equipment and cleaning equipment and environment, each time the toilet is used and when arriving at client venue and home. Hands should be washed thoroughly, using disposable towels to dry hands and turn the taps off. Washing with soap is better than using a sanitizer or wipes and sanitizer should only be an option when handwashing facilities are not convenient (note – sanitizer active ingredient must be effective against COVID-19 or contain a minimum of 60% alcohol).
•Sneeze into tissues, which are binned immediately and hands are washed thoroughly afterwards
•Before each treatment hands are either washed or sterilised in front of the client
•A face covering may be worn by the therapist but only in conjunction with a visor.
Massages/Body Treatments
•Couch roll is to be used in place of material couch covers and should cover the whole bed
•Couch/face cradles to be wiped down after each treatment
•Towels will not be provided by the therapist and client/s to bring their own freshly laundered towels.
Nail Treatments
•To use single-use, disposable nail files or washable files that can be fully sterilized between treatments.
•Clients to wear face coverings for manicure treatments. In the event that a client does not have a face covering, the therapist will need to supply a disposable face covering and will be reimbursed £1 by the client
•Wear gloves as well as a visor
•Client receiving a manicure to have own face covering. In the event that the client does not have a face covering, the therapist will supply one and be compensated by the client for the mask at £1 per mask.
•Each client is required to bring their own towels. Myblissfulretreat has requested two large bath towels.
•Ensure social distancing compliance times so only one client is in the treatment room at a time unless at a smaller venue and working with another therapist or when an adult is required in the room when treating a minor
•To provide own water to drink
•Clients experiencing treatments that require removal of clothing are recommended to arrive for their treatment in a bath robe or undressed with a towel.
•To provide own pen to sign the health disclaimer
Vicky Hockins